BB354 トヨトミヒデヨシガンダム


販売価格¥1,000 通常価格¥1,100








[Regarding Delivery of Games Workshop Products]

Products with a "カートに追加(Add to Cart)" button are available in-store and will be shipped the next business day.

Products with a "お取り寄せ(Backorder)" button will be ordered upon your request. Orders placed by Monday noon will be shipped on Thursday or Friday.

If you purchase in-stock items at the same time, they will be shipped together in one package. We appreciate your understanding.

In case the product is out of stock at the manufacturer, we will source it from overseas. This process may take approximately two weeks, and we will contact you via email for confirmation in advance.

Please note that some products share inventory with our physical store. Depending on the timing of your order, items may be out of stock or sold out. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


■天に選ばれし男!「太閤、豊臣秀吉!」ここに降臨。 ■全身にグロスインジェクションを採用し、天下人「太閤豊臣秀吉」の鎧兜を煌びやかに演出。 ■豊臣秀吉降臨の証!『兜の後立』・『眉庇(まびざし)』を新規パーツで再現。 ■軽装モード、武将モード、サポートメカ大爆火蜥蜴と合体し。超武装モードへ。 ■戦国時代という世界観を演出。足軽兵雑魚(あしがるへいざこ)が1体付属。 ■自陣の目印の「幟」が付属。 成型品×6、スプリング×2、ホイルシール×1、組立説明書×1

